academic teaching and publications

a dedication to international relations

On this page, you find information about the disciplines I teach, my publications, and other related activities

Graduation ceremony International University in Geneva Switzerland, academic gawn
Graduation ceremony International University in Geneva Switzerland

University teaching and academic associations

After an extensive practical experience of international relations with the Swiss Government, I started teaching International Relations in 2018 (part time) at the International University in Geneva as an Associate Professor.
In my teaching, my publications, and my extra academic activities, I specialize in IR, with a particular focus on intergovernmental relations, public governance and digital governance.  I am particularly interested in interdisciplinary approaches to these topics, as governance by definition involves several disciplines in an integrated manner.
I am a member of the Swiss Branch of the International Law Association (ILA) – a branch founded as far back as 1929.
Next: pictures from the annual Doctoral Symposium, where advanced doctoral candidates present the progress made in their research.  Supervisors and invited faculty were presented with research works on countries as varied as Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Thailand, Singapore, Syria, and of course Switzerland.
IUG Doctoral Symposium

digital diplomacy / economic promotion strategies

Graduation of the IUG Master’s students in International Relations and Diplomacy who attended my classes on Digital Diplomacy, and on Trade and Investment Promotion Strategies.

Genève International University in Geneva Graduation Ceremony
Graduation ceremony of the International University in Geneva, 2019

digital diplomacy

School of International Training (SIT), Geneva, lecturing a class on “Digital Diplomacy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence”.

School of International Training (SIT), Geneva, class on Digital Diplomacy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
School of International Training (SIT), Geneva, class on Digital Diplomacy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

international academic databases

You find comprehensive compilations of my publications in the two major publicly accessible international academic databases, namely ORCID and

Academic publishers:

I publish mainly in double blind peer reviewed journals in English.  So far, I have published with the following publishing companies:
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Elsevier
  • Emerald Publishing
  • Kluwer Law International
  • Oxford University Press
  • Routledge
  • Sage Publishing
  • Springer
In French language, I have published a book with the Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, which is also double blind peer reviewed.
I may add that, so far, I went successfully through every peer review, and every manuscript that I submitted was published.

Research approach:

Governmental (and intergovernmental) processes and outcomes integrate and make an arbitrage between several considerations and constraints, whether legal, institutional, technological, political or of an other type.  Understanding governmental (or intergovernmental) processes, and making recommendations, thus requires to take into account all main factors playing in the equation.
Governments (or intergovernmental organizations) do rely on highly qualified lawyers and other experts, and do, if needed, commission additional external expertise by prominent law firms and technology consultants, but, overall, the development and decision-making process for any governmental (or intergovernmental) action rests on a multiple lenses approach.
Academia produces a wealth of high quality, higly valuable research and publications in single disciplines.  However, integrated multiple lens research is underrepresented, or constitutes a research gap.
In my activities, I attempt to propose an integrated multiple lens view of the research questions that are addressed, relying on the best-ranked literature from each discipline.  In most instances, it consists of an integration of the legal view, the institutional view and some other views most relevant for the question at stake.

my “featured article”

With no hesitation I would highlight my piece “Options towards a Global Standard for the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data”, published in Elsevier’s Computer Law and Security Review.  This was my first manuscript submitted after I started teaching.  It soon became the 6th most downloaded article of CLSR (see screen shot).  I was also invited to present it at a conference of the Council of Europe on 19 November 2019.  Overall, it was a very encouraging start in academia.  See details below.

Computer Law and Security Review (Elsevier), Christian Pauletto,

list of publications – liste de publications

This reference list collects my publications (excluding all newspapers).  To help you locate the publication near to your place, the list includes, where available, the link to the intry in WorldCat (the international library catalogue of OCLC) and in Swisscovery (the nation-wide catalogue of nearly all Swiss public libraries, powered by SLSP).  Some of the entries below lead you to a dedicated web page where you find additional information.

my new book – mon dernier livre:

Pauletto, Christian (2023). À la découverte des institutions politiques suisses: Fédéralisme, démocratie, initiative et référendum, concordance, collégialité, formule magique. Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Collection Épistémé, préface de Pascal Couchepin, 256 pp. ISBN: 978-2-88915-525-5.  Unique ID in WorldCat: <>.  Unique ID in Swisscovery: <>.  rero: <>.

my academic publications – mes publications académiques:

All my published articles in academic journals, book chapters, and chapters in international conference proceedings are listed below.

Pauletto, Christian (2023). “Digital Diplomacy”. In: Diplomacy of the future, by A. Visvizi and A. Surdej (Eds.), London: Routledge, forthcoming.

Pauletto, Christian (2023). “Online teaching in HEIs vs. online international negotiation: analogies and transferable good practices”. Chapter 3 in: Visvizi, Anna; Lytras, Miltiadis D. & Jamal Al-Lail, Haifa (eds.), Moving Higher Education Beyond Covid-19: Innovative and technology-enhanced approaches to teaching and learning. Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp. 29–51. ISBN 978-1-80382-518-2. <>.  Unique ID in WorldCat: <>.  Unique ID in Swisscovery: <>.

Pauletto, Christian (2023). “Addressing the Digital Divide in Online Education: Lessons to Be Drawn from Online Negotiation”. In: Visvizi, Anna, Troisi, Orlando & Grimaldi, Mara (eds.), Research and Innovation Forum (Rii Forum) 2022: Rupture, Resilience and Recovery in the Post-Covid World, Springer Proceedings in Complexity (SPCOM). Cham: Springer, pp. 395–403. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-19560-0_31, ISBN: 978-3-031-19559-4.  First unique ID in WorldCat: <>.  Second unique ID in WorldCat: <>.

Pauletto, Christian (2023). “Public management, agility and innovation: The Swiss experience with the COVID-19 loan scheme”. International Review of Administrative Sciences (IRAS). London: Sage Publishing, Volume 90, Issue 1, pp. 116-131. DOI: 10.1177/00208523221143280. <>.  First unique ID in WorldCat: <>.  Second unique ID in WorldCat: <>.  Third unique ID in WorldCat: <>. 

Pauletto, Christian (2022). “Numérisation de l’éducation et Société 4.0 / Digital Learning and Society 4.0”. In: Paul, Eva; Demierre, Pablo (eds): Smart à tout prix ? Défis de la numérisation au temps de la Covid-19. / Smart at any cost? The challenges of digitalisation in the time of Covid-19. Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe (FJME), Lausanne, Collection débats et documents, (26):16–20. ISSN 2296-7710.

Pauletto, Christian (2022), “Agile Governance and Digitally Enhanced Administrative Procedures: Lessons from the Swiss COVID-19 Credit Facility”. IUG Business Review (Geneva), 5(1):15–38.

Pauletto, Christian (2021), “Language of the law as a foreign language: The challenge for globalized legal education and a few didactic tools”. Review of Law Sciences (Tashkent State Law University TSUL), 2021(3):108–119. DOI:10.51788/tsul.rols.2021.5.3./NOLM7341. <>.  Unique ID in WorldCat: <>.

Pauletto, Christian (2021), “Blockchain in international e-government processes: Opportunities for recognition of foreign qualifications”, Research in Globalization (Elsevier), Volume 3, 2021 (online Decembre 2020). <>.  Unique ID in Worldcat: <>.

Pauletto, Christian (2021), “Options towards a Global Standard for the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data”, Computer Law and Security Review – The International Journal of Technology Law and Practice (Elsevier), Volume 40, Special Issue, April 2021. Ranked 6th among the most downloaded articles of the review.  <, for subscribers>.  First unique ID in WorldCat: <>.   Second unique ID in WorldCat: <>.  Third unique ID in WorldCat: and <>.  Fourth unique ID in WorldCat: <>.

Pauletto, Christian (2020), “Information and telecommunications diplomacy in the context of international security at the United Nations”, Transforming Governments: People Practice and Policies (Emerald), 14(3):351–380. <, for subscribers>.  First unique ID in WorldCat: <>. Second unique ID in WorldCat: <>.

Pauletto, Christian (2019), “Russian Panelists Debating at the WTO Public Forum 2019 on Multilateralism and Digitalization”, Trade Policy / Торговая политика (Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Moscow), 4(20):7–15. <>, download at: <>.

Pauletto, Christian (2019), “Articles of Agreement of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, 29th June 2015” (code OUP 510), in Oxford Public International Law – Oxford International Organizations (online publication), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 12 April 2019. <, for subscribers>.

Pauletto, Christian (2012), “Regulatory Framework and Trade Liberalization in Bilateral Swiss-EC Transport Agreements “, Chapter VII of Services Development and Trade: The Regulatory and Institutional Dimension of Infrastructure Services, Vol. II, UNCTAD, (Ref: UNCTAD/DITC/TNCD/2010/4/Vol. II), pp. 102–105. <>

Pauletto, Christian and Christoph König (2011), “Financial Services in Free Trade Agreements – The Case of Switzerland”, Chapter 12 of: Financial Regulation at the Crossroads : Implications for Supervision, Institutional Design and Trade, Panagiotis Delimatsis and Nils Herger (eds), Kluwer Law International, International Banking and Financial Law Series, 2011, pp. 297 ff, ISBN: 978-90-411-3355-7. <>.  Unique ID in WorldCat: <>.  Unique ID in Swisscovery: <>.

Pauletto, Christian (2009), “Regulatory Framework and Trade Liberalization in Bilateral Swiss-EC Transport Agreements”, Proceedings of the Multi-Year Expert Meeting on Services, Development and Trade: The Regulatory and Institutional Dimension, UNCTAD, Geneva, 17–19 March 2009. <>.

Pauletto, Christian (2008), “Digital trade – Technology versus legislators”, in: GATS and the Regulation of International Trade in Services, Marion Panizzon, Nicole Pohl and Pierre Sauvé (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 530 ff, ISBN: 978-0-521-89688-7. <>.  First unique ID in WorldCat: <>.  Second unique ID in WorldCat: <>. Unique ID in Swisscovery: <>.

Some non-academic publications – quelques publications non académiques:

Mentioning these publications just because they are registered in WorldCat or Swisscovery.

Pauletto, Christian (2013). “Alteraciones ortográficas y morfológicas de nombres y apellidos italianos”, in: Y Vinieron. Inmigración italiana en Morteros, Paula Farías, Cristina Cabrino y Norma Fenoglio (eds), Córdoba (Argentina): Editorial Brujas, Chapter 3, pp. 25–36. ISBN: 978-987-591-385-1.  Unique ID in WorldCat: <>.

Pauletto, Christian (2004). “Handelsbeziehungen im Bereich der Dienstleistungen”, Die Volkswirtschaft, Juni 2004, Monatsthema, pp. 15–18.  Unique ID in Swisscovery: <>.

Pauletto, Christian (2004). “Les relations commerciales dans le domaine des services”, La Vie économique, juin 2004, Thème du mois, pp. 15–18.  Unique ID in Swisscovery: <>.

conferences and moderation of panels (since 2019)

In the field of international relations, diplomacy, and negotiation, I gave the following public conferences and workshops or moderated them (compilation limited to 2019 onwards)

Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva, 25 avril 2022, sole speaker on “Diplomatie numérique : concepts, interactions et causalités”.

Research and Innovation Forum (Rii Forum), Athens, 20-22 April, 2022, presentation on “Addressing the digital divide in online education: lessons to be drawn from online negotiation”.

Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL), guest speaker at the webinar on “Enhancing writing competence when working with legal documents”, Tashkent, 4 March 2022, presentation on “Drafting of International Treaties”.

Geneva Trade Platform, Geneva Trade Week, 27 September 2021, commentator in the “Student Watch Party: WTO Public Forum Opening Plenary”. <>.

University of Sydney, “Government and International Relations (GIR) Symposium”, 2 August 2021, Session “In Conversation with Former Chief Negotiator Christian Pauletto”. <> <>

Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL), International roundtable discussion on “The role of foreign languages in Law”, Tashkent, 27 May 2021, Keynote speech on “Language of the law as a foreign language: the challenge for globalized legal education and a few didactic tools”.

WTO Trade Dialogues Lecture/Webinar Series “Governance of data flows and trade”, 10 November 2020, moderator of the lecture “Different models to facilitate the cross-border exchange of personal data”.

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Geneva (Hôtel des Bergues), 30th September 2020, moderator of the 6th Geneva Business Dialogue Roundtable on “How can multinationals support the economic recovery after COVID-19?”.

Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva Trade Week, 29th September 2020, moderator of the session “Multilateralism rules on competition: new or well overlooked old?”, organized by the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow.

WTO Research Workshop on Blockchain – Global Trade and the Blockchain Forum, Geneva, 3 December 2019, panel speaker on “Blockchain: opportunities and challenges for procedures of recognition of foreign qualifications”. Presentation: <>; Forum programme: <>.

Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 19 November 2019, Conference on Convention 108+ and the future of data protection global standard, presentation of a paper on “Which Options towards a Global Standard for the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data?”. Programme: <>; Presentation: <>.

WTO Public Forum, Geneva, 10 October 2019, moderator of the working session “Multilateralism – Expectations from the New Generation”, organized by the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow.

WTO Public Forum, Geneva, 10 October 2019, panelist in the working session “Trade in Services and its impact on Development in African Countries”, organized by the Ministry of Industry, Investment, Trade and the Digital Economy, Rabat.

WTO Public Forum, Geneva, 8 October 2019, moderator of the working session “On the road to Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Perspectives on the Future of the Multilateral Trading system”, organized by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the WTO, Geneva.

Cercles des amitiés internationales, Geneva, 18 Septembre 2019, sole speaker on “La nouvelle ère de la diplomatie numérique : défis et enjeux pour les gouvernements”.

World Trade Institute (WTI), Geneva, 24 May 2019, contributing participant to the Workshop on “WTO Appellate Review: Reform Proposals and Alternatives”.

Kazakh Global Investment Roundtable, Nur-Sultan, 17 May 2019, Panel speaker in the panel on “A new frontier for Kazakh finance and fintech”.

Astana Economic Forum, Nur-Sultan, 16 May 2019, moderator of the Panel on “Current Systemic Challenges Confronting the Multilateral Trading System: Possible Solutions and Adaptation to the New Realities”.

UNCTAD, Geneva, 3 May 2019, contributing participant to the workshop on “Reaping the Developmental Benefits from Trade in Services through Mode 4”.

UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), Multi-year Experts Meeting on Trade, Services and Development, Geneva, 7th session 1 May 2019, Panelist on “Enhancing productive capacity through services”. Presentation: <>

3 Christian Pauletto, photographie Niels Ackermann, Lundi 13, Genève

Christian Pauletto

based in Geneva, Switzerland

Language proficiency: French, English, German, Italian, Spanish

publications on: public management, agility and innovation

This research on online teaching and online negotiation was made during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It consists of the following book chapter and chapter of a Conference proceeding:

Pauletto, Christian (2023). “Online teaching in HEIs vs. online international negotiation: analogies and transferable good practices”. Chapter 3 in: Visvizi, Anna; Lytras, Miltiadis D. & Jamal Al-Lail, Haifa (eds.), Moving Higher Education Beyond Covid-19: Innovative and technology-enhanced approaches to teaching and learning. Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp. 29-51. ISBN 978-1-80382-518-2.

Pauletto, Christian (2023). “Addressing the Digital Divide in Online Education: Lessons to Be Drawn from Online Negotiation”. In: Visvizi, Anna, Troisi, Orlando & Grimaldi, Mara (eds.), Research and Innovation Forum (Rii Forum) 2022: Rupture, Resilience and Recovery in the Post-Covid World, Springer Proceedings in Complexity (SPCOM). Cham: Springer, pp. 395–403. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-19560-0_31, ISBN: 978-3-031-19559-4.

While both articles cover the same research, the Conference proceeding is more focussed on the question of how to overcome the digital divide, whereas the book chapter is more contextualized and comprehensive.  The two bibliographies overlap, but the bibliography contained in the book chapter is more general.

The two respective abstracts are reproduced below:


“Online teaching in HEIs vs. online international negotiation: analogies and transferable good practices”, Emerald

The concept of innovation should not be reduced to its technological dimension but encompasses the whole context of its deployment and implementation.  Regardless of technology, an innovation may be successful or not depending on how well its implementation suits each single context.  In the case of education, this consists, to a sizeable extent, in a communicational and interpersonal context.  The hypothesis of this piece is that maintaining optimal communication between participants is a key factor of success of new online teaching methods.  Given that in this regard, there are similarities between negotiating practice and teaching practice, it is worth examining whether good practices developed in online international negotiation are transferable to online teaching.  The chapter identifies a number of practices from online negotiation that perform well in online teaching.  It focuses on communicational aspects, mutual understanding (monitoring and optimization of understanding), motivation to listen, attention, active participation, and non-verbal communication.  Online teaching and online negotiation share another common feature: some unresolved challenges are common to both disciplines.  This should also be taken into account when migrating educational programmes online.  The research is informed by the author’s first-hand experience from practice in both international diplomatic negotiation and academic teaching.


“Addressing the Digital Divide in Online Education: Lessons to Be Drawn from Online Negotiation”, Springer

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the digital divide was often identified as an obstacle to online teaching, and inequalities in education were sometimes observed.  This challenge could be addressed by making online teaching more efficient through the application of good practices.  Given that there are similarities between diplomatic negotiating practice and teaching practice, it is worth examining whether good practices developed in online diplomatic negotiation are transferable to online teaching.  The aim of this paper is to examine good practices in online negotiation and explore how such good online practices could be transferred to teaching.  The research is informed by the author’s first-hand experience from practice in both international diplomatic negotiation and academic teaching.  The paper identifies a number of practices from online negotiation that are equally effective in online teaching.  It focuses on communicational aspects, mutual understanding (monitoring and optimisation of understanding), motivation to listen, attention, active participation, and non-verbal communication.  Some unresolved challenges of online teaching remain though, which are not addressed in this paper.

Springer Proceedings in Complexity (SPCOM), Research and Innovation Forum (Rii Forum) 2022, Rupture, Resilience and Recovery in the Post-Covid World
Springer Proceedings in Complexity (SPCOM), Research and Innovation Forum (Rii Forum) 2022, Rupture, Resilience and Recovery in the Post-Covid World
Emerald. Moving Higher Education Beyond Covid-19 Innovative and technology-enhanced approaches to teaching and learning
Emerald. Moving Higher Education Beyond Covid-19 Innovative and technology-enhanced approaches to teaching and learning
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